Javascript Let 2

Abhishek Sharma
By -

 The `let` keyword in JavaScript is used to declare variables that are block-scoped. Unlike `var`, which declares variables globally or locally to an entire function regardless of block scope, `let` confines the variable's scope to the block, statement, or expression it's used in. 

 Example 1: Basic Usage

let name = "Alice";

console.log(name); // Output: Alice

name = "Bob";

console.log(name); // Output: Bob

In this example, a variable `name` is declared and initialized with the value "Alice". The value is then changed to "Bob". Both values are printed to the console.

 Example 2: Block Scope

if (true) {

    let age = 25;

    console.log(age); // Output: 25


console.log(age); // Error: age is not defined

Here, the variable `age` is declared inside an `if` block using `let`. It is accessible within that block but not outside of it. Trying to access `age` outside the block results in an error.

 Example 3: Loop Scope

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

    console.log(i); // Output: 0, 1, 2


console.log(i); // Error: i is not defined

In this loop, `i` is declared with `let`. It is only accessible within the loop. Trying to access `i` outside the loop causes an error.


Example 4: Avoiding Variable Hoisting Issues

console.log(a); // Error: Cannot access 'a' before initialization

let a = 10;

With `var`, you can access the variable before it is declared (though it will be `undefined`), but with `let`, accessing the variable before it is declared will throw a `ReferenceError`.

Example 5: No Re-declaration within the Same Scope

let x = 10;

let x = 20; // Error: Identifier 'x' has already been declared

Re-declaring a variable in the same scope with `let` results in an error, unlike `var`, which allows re-declaration in the same scope.

 Example 6: `let` in Nested Blocks

let number = 5;

if (true) {

    let number = 10;

    console.log(number); // Output: 10


console.log(number); // Output: 5

In this example, the outer `let` declaration of `number` is separate from the inner `let` declaration inside the `if` block. The inner block has its own scope and does not affect the outer variable.

Example 7: Temporal Dead Zone


    console.log(temp); // Error: Cannot access 'temp' before initialization

    let temp = "hello";

    console.log(temp); // Output: hello


The temporal dead zone is the time between entering the scope and the variable being declared. In this period, the variable cannot be accessed. Attempting to do so results in a `ReferenceError`.

Using `let` helps in writing cleaner, more predictable code by avoiding many of the pitfalls associated with `var`, such as hoisting and scope leakage.


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